Thursday, December 22, 2011

I can't keep up!

........................with K's computer skills! I had planned to do a post with a movie of her using the computer mouse, but before I could get it posted, she moved on to something new & exciting!

For some reason, I never thought to show her how to use a mouse until earlier this fall.  I bought a child size mouse, with only 2 buttons and for about 4 or 5 days, showed K how to use it hand over hand.  The next day, she got impatient while waiting for me to start Little Reader for her, I was just about to go help her when I realized that she had already started it!

Isn't this the cutest little computer mouse you've ever seen?
K loves Winnie the Pooh!

She is getting quite good at using the mouse, however I again, hadn't really thought ahead about teaching her to use the built in mouse on my laptop.  Again, K was ahead of me as about a month ago, I looked over and realized that although the mouse was still in my computer bag, she had managed to start Little Reader anyways!  Maneuvering the mouse with your finger isn't easy - I think my laptop is really touchy - it takes good fine motor skills even for me!

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